Rachel's Story

Our lives can take unexpected twists and turns, landing us perilously off-course before we know it.

 Unlike most of our clients, Rachel had a healthy and happy home-life growing up. Her parents were loving and supportive, by all accounts exemplary role models.

 After high school, Rachel pursued her goal of becoming a top-notch cosmetologist—and that she did. At age 28, she was enjoying the fruits of her labors and her life seemed perfectly normal.

 Then she met Jake, her dream man…except the dream became a nightmare. When we make our decisions based on emotional thinking, without the benefit of Godly guidance, things can “go south” quickly.

 Jake in time revealed a dark side that included excessive drinking, drugs, and a dangerous tendency towards physical violence, often directed at Rachel.

 She found herself drawn into Jake’s lifestyle, soon following him down the road to perdition. She began losing her financial independence, her spiritual and emotional stability, even aspects of her physical health.

 Despite all this, the couple was soon preparing a nursery, all the while convincing themselves that a newborn son would restore their beleaguered relationship.

 A beautiful healthy boy, Ryan, was indeed born, but the rest failed to materialize. Instead, things got worse.

 She was deeper into the woods, without map or compass, lost in a darkening forest of despair.

 Continued physical abuse finally caused a breaking point, and Rachel found her way here.

 She worked diligently with our staff, eventually renewing her passion for Jesus Christ. She was Baptized in our sanctuary while her precious son looked on in wonder—what a priceless sight to behold.

 On another occasion, Ryan became our first child to be dedicated to Christ by his mother at our Sunday worship service. That special Baby Dedication ceremony was a new Pathway House milestone to be celebrated and continued.

Divine providence intervened for Rachel many times during her stay here.

 She is now employed in a job she loves working with a local non-profit. She has recently moved into her own apartment and has shared custody of her son.

Restoring healthy Christian home lives for children is our favored goal. Join us as we give thanks to God for bringing Rachel and Ryan to our doors.

Success Stories