From Homeless to Full-Time Work and a Home
Five years ago, Barry encountered a fork in the road that demanded a hard choice. His aging mother could no longer live by herself, and an assisted living home wasn’t an option at that time.
He made the tough decision to leave his job in order to move in and manage her care full time.
After a number of blessed years together, his mom’s condition worsened and eventually required skilled medical care; she was admitted to a nursing facility in early 2018.
At that point, Barry was confronted with some sharp realities.
He was in his late 40’s, without a job or any way to maintain the home while he tried to re-establish his employment. Barry heard about Pathway and came to us for help.
Our Furnishing a Future program kept him focused and productive while we assisted him in developing a plan to get back on his feet.
We were able to enroll him in Piedmont Tech’s “Ready to Work” program, which includes a job readiness workshop and a certificate program in manufacturing. He worked hard, studied hard, and completed the 8-week process with flying colors.
Within weeks, Fujifilm’s Greenwood plant offered him employment— first temporary and now a permanent position.
Transportation remained an issue, but God does provide to His faithful, that’s for sure.
On January 5th, a local gentleman walked into Pathway’s office and donated a Ford Taurus in good condition, which is now Barry’s! He will soon be finalizing arrangements to move into a house within a few miles of his job.
We share Barry’s gratitude to the One we know is truly responsible for these and ALL other blessings. Amen
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