REBOOT Leadership Graduates

Greenwood Pathway House is providing wholistic trauma-informed care that is designed to help people overcome homelessness permanently.
This is done in part by mitigating the multi-generational harms of complex trauma, through Christ-entered activities including classes and counseling.
Through its Trauma Informed Services Project, Pathway House staff is taking part in additional training focused on its trauma informed approach to providing client care.
Three staff members have recently completed the Leadership Academy Training Program, provided by REBOOT Recovery, and are now conducting classes for Pathway clients.
Pictured here are Chris Padgett, Family Ministry Leader; Angela Cogburn, Women’s Ministry Manager; and E.J. Speed, Men’s Ministry Leader.
REBOOT Recovery was founded in 2011 by Dr. Jenny Owens (OTD), near Fort Campbell, Kentucky, in response to a gap she saw in the treatment of PTS and Traumatic Brain Injury among active-duty soldiers.
Participating clients at Pathway House will now benefit from a variety of trauma-informed services, creating opportunities for trauma survivors to rebuild control by identifying their strengths and developing unique coping skills.
“Over the years, we’ve learned that our most successful clients are those who remain with us for 9 to 12 months before transitioning to permanent housing. Those clients consistently maintain employment, housing, sobriety, church affiliations, and general stability, far beyond those who stay with us only a short time” says Executive Director Anthony Price…
… “This is because those particular folks have enough time with our staff to adequately explore, and then address, the complicated roots of their homelessness and its associated problems. We agree with Dr. Owens that trauma impacts not only the mind and body— but also the soul—it can reveal itself through anger, anxiety, depression, withdrawal and even suicide. Frequently, these symptoms arise out of deep-rooted “soul wounds”, perhaps related to unresolved grief, distrust, unforgiveness, bitterness and loss of identity. Healing these maladies is a vital part of the overall trauma recovery process.”
The Trauma-Informed Services Project, a focused staff training initiative implemented this year at Greenwood Pathway House, is funded primarily by a grant from Greenwood Community Foundation.
The project will provide certain training and resources needed for new programming, expressly dedicated to healing the wounds of complex trauma, which is often an underlying cause of chronic homelessness.